When you realise that online & social media ads are the most seen of any of your marketing and branding efforts, would you be happy with ads that are generic with a logo, and sometimes even with someone else's branding on them, or would you prefer ads that are 100% on your brand?
AIM's unique artwork engine will ensure your ads look fantastic and true to your image. We think you should build your brand, not someone else's.
Remarketing & Your Data
Are you happy to be building a remarketing audience for someone else, or would you like to build your own remarketing data asset? Most digital marketing solutions build a remarketing audience that is not yours, and its often used to help target your competitors ads.
AIM is unique in that it builds your own exclusive remarketing audience for every agent and office. This means that when people click on your ads, they will see more of your ads. You can even let prospective vendors know how large your remarketing audience is, which can be one of your USP's.
Out of Area Targeting
Would you prefer a solution with the flexibility to target ads to other geographic areas from which you often get enquiries? What about the ability to add interstate or even international targeting for special properties?
AIM industry leading targeting technology can do all this and more.
Multi-Channel or Single Channel
Would you like a solution that delivers ads to both Google & Facebook/Instagram, so you have the best of both worlds? What about a solution that can do social media posts as well as ads for your listings?
Only AIM includes both Google & Facebook in all packages, and only AIM can automate your property social media posts.
Targeting Your Database
Imagine being able to target ads to people who attend your open homes, as well as those in your database. Would this capability help you be more visible when people are researching the market to sell and buy?
You can upload your database into AIM and include those people in ad targeting, so they see more of your ads at the time many of them are considering who they may want to sell though. Most other solutions can not do this.
Choice of Packages
Do you think a one-size-fits-all approach is better than one that lets you choose based on the property's value/budget?
A multimillion-dollar home surely deserves, and can afford, more exposure than a small apartment. AIM offers a range of packages from well under $200 and up to include multi-country international packages for truly special properties.
Social Media Organic Posts
You should have both ads AND posts for your properties, as they work differently. Do you think having the organic posts happen automatically would be convenient, and more likely to happen every time?
AIM does more than just ads, with automated social media posts to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Social Media pages are the new online CV's and agents who post their listings (in addition to other content) have more impressive timelines. Let AIM do the heavy lifting.
Buyers use the internet & social media extensively when buying property.

AIM's Key Benefits
Reaches a wider audience than you can with property portals alone.
Targets active buyers, optimised for your property’s location & type.
Advanced ad targeting including retargeting & special interest targeting.
Generates many more views of your property’s listing.
Find passive buyers, who represent
a substantial percentage of all sales.
AIM is the most advanced solution in-market with more features & capability.
AIM builds your exclusive digital remarketing audience.
Fast to order & simple to lauch.
Generates more enquiries for your vendor.